Interface ByteStreamWriter

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ByteStreamWriter
A class that can be used to set a byte array parameter by writing to an OutputStream.

The intended use case is wanting to write data to a byte array parameter that is stored off heap in a direct memory pool or in some other form that is inconvenient to assemble into a single heap-allocated buffer.

Users should write their own implementation depending on the original data source. The driver provides a built-in implementation supporting the ByteBuffer class, see ByteBufferByteStreamWriter.

Intended usage is to simply pass in an instance using PreparedStatement.setObject(int, Object):

     int bufLength = someBufferObject.length();
     preparedStatement.setObject(1, new MyByteStreamWriter(bufLength, someBufferObject));

The length must be known ahead of the stream being written to.

This provides the application more control over memory management than calling PreparedStatement.setBinaryStream(int, InputStream) as with the latter the caller has no control over the buffering strategy.