Enterprise Postgres 17 Installation and Setup Guide for Server

Appendix C WebAdmin Disallow User Inputs Containing Hazardous Characters

WebAdmin considers the following as hazardous characters, which are not allowed in user inputs.

    | (pipe sign)
    & (ampersand sign)
    ; (semicolon sign)
    $ (dollar sign)
    % (percent sign)
    @ (at sign)
    ' (single apostrophe)
    " (quotation mark)
    \' (backslash-escaped apostrophe)
    \" (backslash-escaped quotation mark)
    <> (triangular parenthesis)
    () (parenthesis)
    + (plus sign)
    CR (Carriage return, ASCII 0x0d)
    LF (Line feed, ASCII 0x0a)
    , (comma sign)
    \ (backslash)