Enterprise Postgres 17 Installation and Setup Guide for Server

4.2.4 Configuring Corefile Names

If a process crashes, a corefile for the process will be generated by the operating system. If a corefile is generated with the same name as an existing corefile generated for a different process, the newly-generated corefile will overwrite the previously dumped corefile. To prevent this, configure a unique corefile name for each crash by appending the process ID, program name, and datetime.

Corefile names can be configured using the "kernel.core_pattern" and "kernel.core_uses_pid" kernel parameters.
Refer to the "man page" in "core(5)" for information on how to use these parameters.

Note that with regard to the location for storing corefiles, the operating system settings take precedence over the core_directory parameter of postgresql.conf.

If you specify systemd-coredump as the core_pattern, the core file is not placed in the location specified by the core_directory parameter.See the systemd-coredump (8) man page for the location of core files.

Use coredumpctl to retrieve core files.For more information about using coredumpctl, see the coredumpctl (1) man page.