Install according to the following procedure:
You can set up WebAdmin during installation, but if you want WebAdmin to use the HTTPS protocol and perform client authentication, you must set it up again using the WebAdminSetup command. After the installation is complete, refer to "B.1 Setting Up WebAdmin" to set up WenAdmin again.
The following characters can be used as input values:
Alphanumeric characters, hyphens, commas and forward slashes
When reinstalling the product, back up the following folder in which the WebAdmin instance management information is stored:
Follow the procedure below to perform the backup.
Stop the WebAdmin server. Refer to "B.1.4 Stopping the Web Server Feature of WebAdmin" for details.
Back up the following folder:
Replace the above folder with the backed up folder when the reinstallation is complete.
For installation in interactive mode, default values are set for the installation information. The following settings can be changed for a new installation or a multi-version installation:
Installation directory
WebAdmin setup information, if WebAdmin is selected
To change the port number, confirm that it is an unused port number between 1024 and 32767.
1. Stop applications and programs
If the installation method is the following, all applications and programs that use the product must be stopped:
Before starting the installation, stop the following:
Applications that use the product
Connection Manager
Web server feature of WebAdmin
Execute the WebAdminStop command to stop the Web server feature of WebAdmin.
If WebAdmin is installed in /opt/fsepv<x>webadmin:
# cd /opt/fsepv<x>webadmin/sbin
# ./WebAdminStop
Mirroring Controller
Execute the mc_ctl command with the stop mode option specified and stop the Mirroring Controller.
$ mc_ctl stop -M /mcdir/inst1
2. Mount the DVD drive
Insert the server program DVD into the DVD drive, and run the command given below.
# mount -t iso9660 -r -o loop /dev/dvd /media/dvd
Here /dev/dvd is the device name for the DVD drive (which may vary depending on your environment), and /media/dvd is the mount point (which may need to be created before calling the command).
If the DVD was mounted automatically using the automatic mount daemon (autofs), "noexec" is set as the mount option, so the installer may fail to start. In this case, use the mount command to remount the DVD correctly, and then run the installation. Note that the mount options of a mounted DVD can be checked by executing the mount command without any arguments.
3. Run the installation
Execute the following command:
# cd /media/dvd # ./
In the example above, /media/dvd is the DVD mount point.
4. Select the product for installation
The list of installation target products is displayed.
Type the number for the product to be installed, or "all", and press Enter.
The Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres server component and WebAdmin can be installed on the same machine by selecting the "Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres server component" and the "WebAdmin component".
Pgpool-II to be installed on the same server as the database server, you can install it on the same machine by selecting "Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres Server Component" and "Pgpool-II component". Pgpool-II to be installed on the same server as the application server, or on a dedicated server that is different from the database server and application server, see "Appendix J System Configuration when using Pgpool-II".
If the selected product has been installed, a window for selecting reinstallation or multi-version installation is displayed for each product. Follow the on-screen instructions to select the installation method.
5. Check the settings
The window for checking the installation information is displayed.
Type "y" and press Enter to start the installation.
To change the settings, type "c", press Enter, and follow the on-screen instructions. This option is not displayed if there is no information that can be modified.
If you have not set up WebAdmin during installation, refer to "Appendix B Setting Up and Removing WebAdmin" for details.
6. Check the changed settings
If the installation information has been modified, the new installation information is displayed.
Type "y" and press Enter to start the installation.
To change the settings again, type "c" and press Enter.
7. Display the installation status
When the installation is started, the installation status is displayed.
Note that even if WebAdmin setup fails, the process will continue.
If the following message is displayed, manually execute WebAdmin setup after installation is completed.
Refer to "B.1 Setting Up WebAdmin" for information on the WebAdmin setup procedure.
Starting setup. Setting up WebAdmin. ERROR: WebAdmin setup failed.
8. Finish the installation
When the installation is complete, a message is displayed showing the status.
If installation was successful, a message like the one shown below is displayed:
Installed successfully.
If an error occurs during the installation, read the error message and remove the cause of the error, and then reexecute the command.