Package org.postgresql.jdbc
package org.postgresql.jdbc
ClassDescriptionThis class holds all of the methods common to both Blobs and Clobs.Internal class, it is not a part of public API.Deprecated.This class stores supported escaped function.Specifies whether a SELECT/CALL statement is used for the underlying SQL for JDBC escape call syntax: 'select' means to always use SELECT, 'callIfNoReturn' means to use CALL if there is no return parameter (otherwise use SELECT), and 'call' means to always use CALL.This is an internal class to hold field metadata info like table name, column name, etc.Array is used collect one column of query result data.Specifies which mode is used to execute queries to database: simple means ('Q' execute, no parse, no bind, text mode only), extended means always use bind/execute messages, extendedForPrepared means extended for prepared statements only.Extends a ReentrantLock for use in try-with-resources block.Helper class that storing result info.Misc utils for handling time and date values.